The Childrens Garden

What better way to encourage your child to take an interest in the garden by giving them their very own space in which to cultivate crops or vegetables, fruit and flowers.

If you have children then I'm sure you have all had the day when your child brings home a small pot of cress from school. From an early age children are given an insight in the natural world of nature.

Hollow-tine your lawn

Hollow tining is the practice of sinking a hollow steel tine into your grass surface and removing the plug of grass and soil. This will then be deposited temporarily on the surface. This is then removed and topdressing is spread and worked in.


Dollar Spot lawn disease

With the right lawn care program dollar spot should not be a problem and it is more often or not the result of a neglected lawn. Dollar spot is a serious lawn disease as it can effect and kill the whole of the grass plant including the roots. This means that affected areas of the lawn will often need reseeding. Dollar spot will infect a large number of different grass varieties.

Red Thread Disease of Lawns - Corticium

Red Thread normally attacks lawns made of fine grasses such as the Fescues, and some Ryegrasses. It is more likely on turf that is rarely - if ever - fed! Again we are back to a good maintenance regime to prevent this particular disease.

Leather Jackets

Leatherjackets are the larvae grubs of the Crane Fly (Daddy Longlegs.) Leatherjackets in lawns are a real pest and can have severe consequences unless killed. They are a pest of the lawn, for they eat the roots of the grass plants causing the grass to die. A small infestation is nothing to worry about, however if you have a lawn full of leatherjackets then the effect can be quite dramatic. In worse cases, resulting in much of the lawn dying and needing substantial remedial treatment.

Fusarium patch disease

What is Fusarium patch disease?

Fusarium patch disease is the most common disease of turf in the UK.
The Latin name of the fungus that causes the disease symptoms is Microdochium nivale but in the past its Latin name was Fusarium nivale, hence its common name.

Lawn Care Calendar

Most people like the idea of having a beautiful lawn in there garden but few people actually understand the fundamental basics on how to acheive the best results.

There are many attributes to obtaining a "perfect" lawn and the timing on certain tasks can vary depending on the area you live. Below is a simple guide that will set you on your way to acheiving a better lawn.

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